United States Colored Troops
Cover of original painting by James Melvin.
We Honor Those Who Served: The Shenandoah Valley Men Who Served with the United States Colored TroopsWe have found the names of many men from the Shenandoah Valley who fought for the Union during the Civil War. Some of these come through helping families with their family trees. We will help any family who comes and requests access to ancestry.com and other genealogical websites. It is all done privately. When we discover a soldier in a family tree we make sure the family gives us permission to list that soldier. In the case of Adolphus Augustas and James Madison Boggs we asked permission to share the discovery of these men and their service.
Valley Men Who Served with the USCT during the Civil War
Valley Men Who Served with the U.S. Navy during the Civil War
The Men Who Truly Fought For Freedom. We Speak Your Names.
By Robin Lyttle
This is a work in progress and will be updated. There are over 600 names in this list from the National Archives/Ancestry.com. These are the men who told the Enlisting Officers, their County of Birth in which thousands just put Virginia. If you know of a soldier who fought with these troops and is not listed, please contact lblrobin@shentel.net. Robin will also be adding a section for the men who moved to the Valley following the Civil War but were born outside of the Valley. Robin has added a "Status at end of war" column. The statistics are tough. It should be noted that on several occasions, men listed as deserters were actually Prisoner's of War, escaped and returned to duty. In this column, "Survived" indicates the men were mustered out at end of term of service or when the Army dissolved their Regiments. In some cases Regiments were broken up and they continued to serve but no more information is listed, therefore Robin have put a "?". In some cases the records are incomplete. In those instances Robin also put a "?". Robin has included some of their service notes etc. If it is in quotes it is directly taken from their military records.
Dale MacAllister's Research
The African-American Community on Briery Branch, Rockingham County, Virginia by Dale MacAllister details the life of United States Colored Tropp solider George Washington and the Briery Branch black community.
Too Long Forgotten by Robert Moore
Robert Moore's work on USCT soldiers from the Shenandoah Valley.

moores_list_of_usct_soldiers.pdf |